Authorized distributor in The United States



Vale Medical offers you a wide selection of high-quality shockwave products that are affordable for all levels of practice.

Vale has excellent service, knowledgeable staff, and we are fun to work with. Every day we are meeting medical professionals just like you that choose Vale Medical, because we care.

If you are ready to work with a company that can help you succeed in your practice then, contact us today!


Vale Medical is committed to providing exceptional medical products that will help people to get better, faster, and then stay well. At Vale Medical we believe that working together is essential to create a great company that manages growth at the same time exceeds all your expectations.

For over 20 years we have worked with Storz Medical, Switzerland, the leading manufacturer of shockwave therapy devices in the world. We are pleased to share the extensive knowledge in shockwave technology and all the innovative new products Storz Medical has developed that influence the way healthcare is practiced, now and in the future. 

About Storz Medical

STORZ MEDICAL AG was founded in 1987, it is located in the heart of Europe, on the Swiss shore of Lake Constance in Tägerwilen. Storz Medical continues to develop innovative shockwave systems and devices of the highest precision. STORZ MEDICAL is setting new standards in treatment procedures with technical innovations in areas including including ESWT, EPAT, and EMTT technology.