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EPAT & ESWT – Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy in Orthopaedics

 Since the early 1990s, STORZ MEDICAL has been utilizing shock waves in orthopaedics. Initially, it was only applied for pseudarthrosis, but the scope of indications was later extended to include tendon attachment disorders, delayed wound healing, and myofascial pain syndrome. The DUOLITH® SD1 »ultra« combined shock wave device and the radial D-ACTOR® line are the most successful ESWT systems available today, as they provide a comprehensive range of indications for use in orthopaedics, physiotherapy, and rehabilitation medicine.

Shockwaves are short acoustic waves that can penetrate through water and soft tissue. These shock waves are created outside the body (»extracorporeally«) in the handpiece of the device, and are then transmitted into the patient’s body through the use of ultrasound gel, which allows them to have a conductive and focused effect on injured areas.

Benefits For Healthcare Providers

Healthcare providers , who are treating patients with acute or chronic musculoskeletal pain, can enhance outcomes with the selection of regenerative solutions provided by Vale Medical. You can now gain access to industry leading technology and countless treatments that can address the source of pain, not just the symptoms, so that your patients can return to the things they love without interruption. 

EMTT – Extracorporeal Magnetotransduction Therapy in Orthopaedics

Extracorporeal Magnetotransduction Therapy (EMTT) is a non-invasive, outpatient treatment solution in which painful areas of the body are treated with high-energy magnetic pulses. What makes EMTT different from other general forms of magnetic field therapy or PEMF is the very high oscillating frequency of the magnetic field (100–300 kHz). The MAGNETOLITH® is the ideal therapy device for the regeneration and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal disorders.

Are you ready to accelerate the success of your practice using shockwave therapy? Contact Vale today to get started.

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